It Begins!
Since the year 2019, the world has continued to experience an intensification of Primordial Light pressure. Increasingly, this pressure is penetrating every corner of the world and in the process, is forcing every human being to examine himself and all that stands in the way of his spiritual awakening and maturity.
We hereby stand in the final phase of the Last Judgement.
As a help to navigate the challenges of the present and coming times, for every human spirit that still carries a longing for the Light, The Grail Message - In the Light of the Truth - Edition 1941 is now available.
As a further help, the Calls from Primordial Creation have also been sent to aid with the understanding of past, present and future happenings in World Events, and gives further guidance on how the Work The Grail Message - In the Light of the Truth is to be received and absorbed by the human spirit, so that it becomes for him what it is intended to be - his salvation.
Salvation, however, begins with true spiritual freedom. Genuine freedom, rightly understood, is recognising the Laws that govern Creation and courageously adjusting oneself to them.
May His Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven!
Let it begin!